It's allright.
I've seen and though up better, but it wasn't bad.
It's allright.
I've seen and though up better, but it wasn't bad.
I don't know why lame ass faggots come onto these sites to talk shit about something they couldn't do half as well, and they sit there and write about how stupid the game was and how much it sucked and how they would never play this game in their lives. But guess what? YOU ALREADY FUCKING DID!!! And people that tell the creator he sucks. C'mon. give him/her something they can work with. Don't just say "Oh, you should get shot publically." Cause then YOU sound ignorant as all fuck!! Give them something to work with. And NO, I'm not the creator, but I do know how long it takes to get games perfect for EVERYONE ELSE BUT YOURSELF!!!! So lay off. Cock breath dickweeds.
You suck balls.
You fucking suck at game making. The last boss is impossible to fucking beat. Everytime I would go to jump over him, he takes life off anyways. You should've at leats had those dman dissapearing block things to help. THAT would have made sense. And the passwords were uuber gay! Get a life and stop making retarded things. I feel dumber just by playing this piece of shit.
All I can say is that the Mario theme is written wrong. You should try Zelda instead.
Try that out.
suck nasty
I feel sorry for someone that actually plays this poker game.... it has the worst odds. I played it for a day staright once, and never saw a royal flush... and believe it or not.... if you have the money to go to a casino and play poker for a whole day.... you WILL hit a royal flush... the odds are just justified that way.
I want my two minutes back!
This game was such a waste of time.... it sucked!!!!! I got all the boards... then it took all my Hk or whatever the hell you call it.
that last guy was retarded
well whoever gave that last review was retarded. How the hell else are you supposed to move the cars? Click and drag? You would get much more tired of clicking and dragging than you would clicking an arrow. Nice job on the game.
That's kind of nice to be able to make a character, but why not have them do something other than stand in a background? I'm sure you're probably working on something new like that anyways.
Not Great
Well this game seemd kind of hokey. But then again. I did want to finish it. It was kind of hard to roam through the area, and not much to interact with. But that's all due to a lack of imagination. Or a lack of wanting to make a more extreme world. But overall it wasn't bad... but I'm not one to like these kind of boring games.
I am me. And more than likely I don't like you.
Age 45, Male
Las Vegas, NV
Joined on 7/20/04